Sunday, January 27, 2008

Christian Rolls Over!

I know that we blogged about this earlier, but this time we have it on video!

Christian has learned to roll over. He still needs a bit of help to get his arms in the right position but once they are there, FLIP!

Comments are always welcome!

The Putnam's

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What a Boring Life

We must have a boring life. The most exciting thing that has happened this week is Christian can now roll from his tummy to his back. That's a pretty big deal to Christian. He, as many people know, hates tummy time. He hates everything about being on his stomach. So, now, as soon as you put him on his tummy he rolls over. I worry he will have a flat head forever. Speaking of his flat head, it's getting better. Hopefully he will get his round head back soon.

Anyway, that's really it for this week. I don't even have any new pictures. We have been so busy trying to keep up with life I have barely noticed it's already been a week. I hope we have more to post next week, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

The Putnams

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Purple is Manly!

Dave bought a really cool Bumbo chair for Christian the other day. It's really a neat thing. It helps Christian be able to sit up and be a part of the world. And since he really hates laying down, it's been a great investment. However, the only color available was purple. So, our very macho little boy has a purple chair, but that is okay, because purple is a manly color.

Also, Christian discovered his tongue the other day and all sorts of really fun things he can do with it (ie stick it out, curl it up, blow bubbles, etc.). So, in all of our recent pictures of him he is sticking out his tongue. Notice the drool soaked bib too.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

He had to get more shots :(

Poor Christian had to get more shots. He had his 4 month appointment last week (I know...a little late because of the Holidays.) and got another round of immunizations. Good thing I had to work and Dave got to take him. I won't be so lucky next time. Chip weighed in at 14lbs 9.5oz and 25in long. That puts him at 25% for both height and weight. And then, true to form, his head circumference is at 75%. I can't believe how big he is getting. He sits up really well, but still needs a little support. He is holding up his gigantic head quite well too. He giggles and laughs all the time and knows how to turn on the charm at just the right time to get a little more attention. Chip really loves attention. He is constantly chewing on everything in sight, is starting to get a little more grumpy than usual and drools like mad man. And just as we got used to the whole sleeping a full night he has decided that he needs to get up at least once a night just for us to feed him a snack and rub his sore gums before he will go back to sleep. I really do feel bad for him. His poor little mouth seems to bother him a lot sometimes. Who knows when the teeth will come in. I'm sure it's still a ways out.

I got a promotion at work last month. I started at the new branch on Dec. 21, 2007. I have really enjoyed my new job and have started to settle in. Unfortunately for me, I have to put my new authority to work a little sooner than I thought I would. I guess it's better to get thrown into these types of things. I am learning a lot at this branch and think I will do well. I was also called back into Primary a couple weeks ago. Good thing I like Primary! They seem to like me.

That is about it for now. Hopefully we will have something fun to post soon.

Christian at 3 months.

Christian's 1st Christmas at 4 months.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Trial Run

Our New Year's resolution this year is to stay in better contact with our family and friends, especially the ones that live farther away. We've decided that we should start a blog so we can keep in touch without bugging everyone too often. Now you can log on here as often or as infrequently as you would like. Hopefully you'll enjoy hearing about our adventures as they come up this year. If we find that people enjoy it, we just might keep it up in years to come. I only hope that we will post often enough so you won't give up on this site.

Dave, Jeanne, Christian (aka Chip), Jake (the dog) and Merlin(the cat)