Friday, May 23, 2008

What a week!

Christian was a little out of control the other day so I locked him in the dog kennel. Okay..I didn't really do that. He actually crawled in there all by himself and closed the door. It looks like he found a couple things out of his room to make the journey with him (ie..bib and carseat boot on the floor). He is too tall to stand up all the way in there, but he sure tried. He kept bonking his head on the top of the kennel. I couldn't stop laughing.

What kid doesn't love to play with spaghetti? Oh..and this wasn't on purpose. During a lapse in my better judgement I held the bowl within arm's reach. I should have known better. I decided since he already made a mess to let him have some fun. Then straight to the bathtub.

A picture really is worth a thousand words. Notice Dave's new accessory on his left arm.
This week has been long! I am ready for it to be done and I am so grateful that it is Memorial Day on Monday. I could use a small break.


Tiffany Winters said...

that picture of Dave and Christian asleep makes me happy. How cute. And what a cute picture of him in the Kennel.

Shalena said...

How cute!! What did Dave do to his hand/wrist? I love how they like to travel to the craziest places and hide!